As you age, you’ll realize that your skin doesn’t have the same elasticity as it used to. This is because our skin needs a protein known as collagen to give it its elasticity and keep it looking smooth and tight. The more we age, the slower the rate at which our body produces collagen.
If you’ve gained a drastic amount of weight and then lost it rapidly, you’ll most likely have excess skin in multiple places on your body – especially if your skin doesn’t have as much elasticity as it used to. This is because your skin didn’t get enough time to shrink back to its original position. The older you are, the more difficult this process is on your skin.
Excess skin can cause many problems. Not only can it destroy your self-confidence, it can also make it quite difficult to find clothing that fits properly. It can also make you more susceptible to skin infections.
No matter how many hours you spend at the gym or how strict your diet is, sagging excess skin and stubborn fat will continue to hang from numerous places on your body. The only permanent fix to these problems is a body lift.
Although plastic surgery can sound scary at first, it doesn’t have to be that way. Once you learn more about the ins and outs of the body-lift procedure, you’ll find yourself much more comfortable with the idea.
The Body Lift
The body lift is a surgical procedure that offers relief to patients who have a large amount of excess skin all over their body. The surgical plan can be modified to suit your specific needs and target specific body parts. It is a comprehensive option that can remove drooping skin from areas like the abdomen, back, thighs, and buttocks.
During a body-lift consultation, you’ll speak with Dr. Keegan about your goals and expectations from the surgery. Dr. Keegan will examine your sagging skin, and you will talk to him about your medical history and any allergies you may have.
Are You Eligible for a Body Lift?
A body lift is a complicated procedure, and you must meet certain eligibility criteria to be able to go through with it. You may be eligible for a body lift if you’ve recently lost approximately 30 to 50 percent of your weight and are experiencing drooping skin and excess fat.
You should have a stable weight before getting the procedure, as weight fluctuations can interfere with your results. You must also be in good health so that you can recover properly from the surgery.
You should be dedicated and willing to continue with your exercise regimen and diet after the surgery. You must be a non-smoker, as smoking can affect the health of your skin and interfere with the healing process.
Make an Appointment for a Consultation
Now that you’ve learned more about the body lift, you may be feeling like it’s time to arrange a consultation with a skilled medical professional to plan your procedure. Contact the office of Dr. Leo Keegan, an experienced double-board-certified plastic surgeon, to set up your body-lift consultation today.