Brow Lift New York
Candidates for a Brow Lift generally have some of the following characteristics:
- Sagging or low eyebrows
- Deep horizontal creases across the forehead
- Frown lines or furrows between the eyebrows or across the top of the nose
A browlift, also called a forehead lift, is used to improve the contour of the eyebrow and forehead areas, and the appearance of the eyes and upper eyelids. Frown lines, sagging brows and forehead wrinkles are effectively eliminated with this technique.
Dr. Keegan uses video guided endoscopy to visualize the anatomy of the forehead and elevate the brows to a higher position, resulting in a higher and smoother brow and a more youthful expression. In some cases, a browlift is combined with eyelid surgery or a facelift.
Browlift patients can fully return to their normal activities within two weeks. Brow Lifts are performed in our AAAASF operating room. Patients may return home on the same day of surgery, but many patients elect to stay overnight in our private recovery rooms, where they receive one-on-one overnight care from our specially trained Registered Nursing staff.