Body Contouring
Patient 1
40 year old woman, mother of 3 children, who had liposuction of both hips, short scar abdominoplasty, correction of 5 cm rectus diastasis, and repair of umbilical hernia
Patient 2
This 54 year old mother of 4 children had a “mini” (“short scar” ) abdominoplasty to correct abdominal laxity that was resistant to exercise.
Patient 3
40 year old woman, mother of 3 children, underwent Mommy Makeover including: Liposuction of both hips, short scar abdominoplasty, correction of 5 cm rectus diastasis, repair of umbilical hernia, bilateral breast augmentation with 240 cc silicone gel implants
Patient 4
Before & After 6 weeks, 1 treatments, flanks and abdomen. Courtesy of S. Doherty, MD
Patient 5
Before & After 6 Weeks, 1 treatment, flanks and abdomen. Courtesy of S. Doherty, MD
Patient 6
Before & After 12 Weeks, 2 treatments, flanks and abdomen. Courtesy of S. Doherty, MD
Patient 7
Patient 8
44 year old woman was unhappy with abdominal bulge 4 years after giving birth to twins
Patient 9
The patient is a 35 year old woman who is the mother of 2 children. She had repair of an umbilical hernia, correction of rectus diastasis (separation of the two sides of the abdominal recuts muscle; a very common result… Continue Reading 3181
Patient 10
This 43 year old woman had a 140 pound weight loss after lap band placement. She had surgery done in 2 stages. Stage 1: circumferential lower body lift; Stage 2: Submuscular breast augmentation using existing breast reduction scars; Inamed Style… Continue Reading 3403